Thursday, July 31, 2008

A few of my newest things

Christmas Kerchief

Made this for my niece

christmas kercheif

Chic On The Half Shell by Drew Emborsky

I messed it up a little... Started it late, got one side done
laid everything together & went to bed..
My hook grew legs in the night!
Finished other side with different brand aluminum hook,
1st side was done with a plastic hook...
So one side a little bigger then the other....


Bag I made that matches what I'm wearing to
my uncles wedding!


G/6-4.25mm hook
ww yarn

* ch 2 does not count as stitch*

my water bottle bag


ch 4, join to form loop

1) ch 2, 8 dc in ring, join in 1st dc

2) ch 1, sc same st, ch4, *sc, ch 4* around join in 1st sc

3) sl st in loop, ch 1, sc in loop, ch 4, *sc, ch 4* around
to last loop, ch 2 hdc in top of sc of previous row

4)ch 5, sc in next loop, ch5, *sc, ch5* around
to last loop, ch 2, dc in top of hdc of previous row

5-15) ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, *sc, ch 5* around
to last loop, ch 2, dc in top of dc of previous row
don't f/o


1) ch 1, 2 sc over dc, 3 sc in next loop, 2 sc in next loop

2) ch 1, turn, dec, sc, sc, dec

3) ch 1, turn, dec, sc, dec

4) ch 1, turn, dec, sc

5) ch 1 turn, dec f/o

w/ rs facing skip 1 loop
1) join with a sc, sc same loop, 3 sc next loop, 2 sc next loop

2-5) work rows 2-5 above don't f/o


1- 150 or 200) ch 1 turn, sc,
f/o attach to other side

handle shown is 80 rows
you can make it as long or
short as you like!


Violet Turner (c) August 2008
This is my own original design
Please don't post it somewhere else or
claim it as your own!

Shoulder Bag

Shoulder Bag

3 colors of WW your choice
I/9-5.50mm hook
work holding 3 strands of yarn
*ch 2 does not count as a st*


Working with 3 strands ch 3
Row 1- dc in 3rd ch from hook, 11 dc in same st, join (12)

Row 2- ch 2, 2 dc in each st around, join(24)

Row 3- ch 2, *2 dc, 1 dc* around, join(36)

Row 4- ch 2, 3 dc, dc in 17, 3 dc, dc in 17, join

Row 5- ch 2, dc, 3 dc, dc in 19, 3 dc, dc in 18, join

Row 6- ch 2, dc, dc, 3 dc, dc in 21, 3 dc, dc in 19, join

Row 7, ch 2, dc, dc, dc, 3 dc, dc in 23, 3 dc, dc in 20, join

Row 8- ch 2, dc , dc, dc,dc, 3 dc, dc in 25, 3 dc, dc in 21, join

Rows 9-10) ch 2, dc in each dc around, join

Row 11- sl st in next 4, ch 1, sc in same st as last sl st, sc,sc,

Row 12-69) ch 1, turn, sc in each sc (3) f/o attach to other side
weave in ends

w/ 1 color & back of purse facing you
1- join w/ sc in the 12th st, sc,sc

2- turn, ch 14, sk 1, join w/ sl st in last st f/o

Flower (button)

work with 2 colors, 1 at a time

w/ ca, ch 2, 8 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join

ch 1, *sc in BL, ch 8, sc in FL, ch 8* around, join, f/o

(working behind & in front sc from previous row)
w/ cb, join w/ sc in any FL, *ch 8 sc in BL, ch 8, sc in FL* around join f/o attach to purse


Violet Turner (c) 2008
This is my own original pattern.
Please don't post anywhere else & claim it as your own!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gifts for Billy & Jessie

Another one of Kimberly's weaved hot pads

This is joanieponytail of Crochetville's bag

hot pad

potholder from Pot Holder Pizazzpotholder from Pot Holder Pizazz
potholder from Pot Holder Pizazz
pot holder

2 new purses

I got this one from

I made this one to match what I'm
wearing to my uncles wedding next month!
I used 3 strands of yarn.. In warm brown,
light peach, and brown...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

So hot outside!

Been staying inside & crocheting.. I have like 3 things going right now LOL
I have a lapghan that is almost finished, a pot holder,
and a black, green, and yellow semi circle rug for in front of my sink...
I made some red, white & blue ribbons for us
to wear at work for July 4th.. Still gotta get a pic of mine..